Pictures of Angiosperms

Pictures of Angiosperms
Swamp Lily
The swamp lily, a member of the amaryllis family, is cultivated for its attractive flowers.

Sweet Alyssum
The sweet alyssum is an attractive perennial commonly cultivated in rock gardens. The plant grows 15 to 30 cm (6 to 12 in) tall and produces small, white, fragrant flowers that bloom through the spring and summer.

Sweet Pea
The sweet pea belongs to an order of plants known as legumes. The legumes are an economically important group of plants that have root nodules containing a bacterium that helps return nitrogen to the soil. Because of this characteristic, legumes such as the sweet pea are used to enrich nitrogen-poor soils. Other legumes include beans, peanuts, soybeans, and alfalfa.

Tall Buttercup
Although buttercups such as Ranunculus acris, pictured here, abound in pastures, grazing cows avoid them; ingesting the shiny, double blossom irritates the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. However, dried buttercups are harmless inclusions in hay.

Tank Bromeliad
Many bromeliads are epiphytic—that is, they grow upon other plants and collect nutrients and moisture from the air. Epiphytes have no true roots, but use rootlike structures to grasp onto a growing surface, such as a tree limb or trunk. Many epiphytic bromeliads such as the tank bromeliad are prized for their attractive appearance.

Tea Plants
Tea plants are distributed across tropical and subtropical regions, but most species occur in eastern Asia and South America. Members of the species provide timber and leaves, which are dried for use in brewing the tea beverage. The Chinese have brewed tea for thousands of years, beginning perhaps in the 28th century bc. Tea came to Europe in the 17th century ad, transported to the continent by Dutch traders.

Teak Tree
The teak, native to India and the Malay archipelago, has been widely used in shipbuilding and furniture making because of its resistance to insects and weather.

Plants in the Coreopsis genus are commonly known as tickseed. Tickseed species represent some of the hardiest, most easily grown garden materials. The long blooming period, which lasts from early summer until frost, makes tickseeds attractive garden decorations.

Rather than planting seeds directly in the garden, gardeners in cooler climates may start their seeds indoors and transplant the young plants outside when the danger of frost has passed. Using tranplants, which are also available for purchase in nurseries, enables gardeners to maximize the growing season. While it may be months before seedlings are ready to flower, transplanted plants often flower sooner.

Trout Lily
The trout lily, a spring flowering perennial growing to 30 cm (12 in), is cultivated for its yellow pendant flowers and mottled foliage. This plant grows best in fertile, well-drained soils with a high humus content.


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