
Showing posts with the label Violet Family

Types of Vines

Nightshade Family Nightshade Family Morning Glory , common name for a plant family (see Nightshade) that includes about 1650 species of vines, shrubs, and a few trees. Most are tropical, and many are considered weeds. The vines common bindweed and wild morning glory, for example, are widespread throughout the United States. The sweet potato, native to tropical America, belongs to this family. Dodder is a parasitic genus, lacking leaves and green color, that attaches itself to and lives on shrubs and herbs; it is a common weed in Europe and the United States. Scientific classification: Morning glories make up the family Convolvulaceae. The common bindweed is classified as Convolvulus arvensis, the wild morning glory as Convolvulus sepium, and the common morning glory as Ipomoea purpurea. The name moonflower is applied especially to the species classified as Ipomoea alba. The dwarf morning glory is classified as Convolvulus tricolor. Passionflower , common name for a flowering plant fami...