
Showing posts with the label Dandelion


Dandelion, common name for stemless perennial or biennial herbs of the composite flower family, especially the common dandelion. The species has long taproots, rosettes of deeply incised lanceolate leaves, and flat flower heads containing bright yellow florets on hollow, stemlike stalks. The root of the common dandelion contains a substance used as a laxative; the root is also roasted and ground as a substitute or adulterant for coffee. The leaves are used for salad greens and potherbs, and the flowers are sometimes used for making wine. It is occasionally cultivated, especially in Europe, but is found chiefly as a persistent weed in all temperate regions. The red-seeded dandelion is similar to the common species, but is smaller, with reddish seeds and darker down. A Russian species has some importance as a source of latex. Scientific classification:  Dandelions belong to the family Asteraceae (formerly Compositae). The common dandelion is classified as Taraxacum officinal...

Pictures of Angiosperms

Columbine Grown for its purple, white, or yellow flowers, the columbine prefers sunny locations in well-drained soils. The hardy perennial is colorful when not in bloom, as well; in autumn, its leaves turn rich colors. Common African Violet - The common African violet, a native of eastern Africa and not a violet at all, has been extensively cultivated for use as a houseplant. Numerous cultivars are available in a variety of colors, including red, pink, white, purple, and blue. Common Cultivated Onion The cultivated onion is an edible, summer-flowering, perennial bulb preferring sunny locations with well-drained soils. Cultivated onions grow to heights of 30 to 70 cm (12 to 28 in) and produce pink or white flowers. Common Dandelion The flower of the common dandelion, which belongs to the genus Crepis, is not a single flower but rather a composite made up of a large number of very small flowers. Although usually considered a troublesome weed, the dandelion’s leaves are edible if...