
Rose, common name for a medium-size family of flowering plants with many important fruit and ornamental species, and for its representative genus. Worldwide in distribution, the rose family contains about 107 genera and 3100 species.

The rose family is placed in an order with 24 other families. This order is sometimes referred to as the rose order. Other important members of the order include the saxifrage family and the stonecrop family. Another family, the coco-plum family, occurs in the lowland Tropics and contains about 400 species, several of which are used locally for their timber, oilseeds, and fruits. Perhaps the best-known member of the family is the coco plum, found in southern Florida on sandy beaches and swamps; its sweet fruits are made into jelly or preserves.

About 70 genera of the rose family are cultivated for food, ornament, flowers, timber, or other uses. Although worldwide in distribution, the family is most abundant in north temperate regions and contains many of the most important fruit trees grown in temperate areas. These include apple, pear, peach, plum, cherry, apricot, almond, nectarine, prune, loquat, and quince. The rambling, usually thorny raspberry, blackberry, and dewberry, or loganberry, are members of a genus of the rose family that also includes the common bramble. The strawberry is also a member of the family. In addition the family contains many important ornamentals: chokeberry, cinquefoil, hawthorn, shadbush, cotoneaster, firethorn, flowering cherry, flowering quince, and mountain ash.

Roses may be grown in any good, well-drained soil. Although different varieties respond better to certain soil and climate than to others, sandy soils are usually not as favorable as clay soils, warm temperatures are always preferred, and the plants grow best when not set among other plants. Cow manure is the preferred fertilizer, but other organic fertilizers, especially composts, are also used. The plants usually require severe pruning, which must be adapted to the intended use of the flowers. Most rose varieties are grown by budding on an understock (lower portion of a plant) propagated from seeds or cuttings. Roses must be sprayed frequently with insect poisons and fungicides.

Scientific classification: Roses make up the family Rosaceae of the order Rosales. The representative genus is Rosa. Hybrid perpetuals, or remontant roses, are derived mainly from the hybrid species Rosa borboniana; polyantha roses from the hybrid species Rosa rehderana; tea roses from Rosa odorata; and China roses from Rosa odorata and Rosa chinensis.


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