
Showing posts from July, 2016

Giant Granadilla

Giant Granadilla, strong, rapidly growing vine, member of the  passionflower  family, native to tropical America. The giant granadilla is grown for its edible fruit, as well as for its ornamental value. The square stems bear rounded leaves and big fragrant flowers that can reach 8 cm (3 in) in width. The flowers are white outside, reddish inside, and have a crown of white and purple filaments. The oblong greenish yellow fruit, which is also called granadilla, grows to about 20 cm (about 8 in) in length and ripens in the summer. The fruit has a brittle rind, and many flat, small seeds are contained within the gelatinous, slightly acid pulp. The green fruit is boiled and served as a vegetable. The pulp of ripe fruit is eaten directly or used in cold drinks.  Scientific classification: The giant granadilla is a member of the family Passifloraceae. It is classified as Passiflora quadrangularis.


The passionflower, a close relative of the violets, is a woody-stemmed climbing plant that grows to a height of 10 m (30 ft). Passionflowers are cultivated for their unique flowers and edible fruits. Passionflower, common name for a flowering plant family, and especially for members of its principal genus. The flowers are usually perfect, generally having a five-parted calyx and five-parted corolla. All species have a more or less conspicuous crown of filaments springing from the throat of the tube formed by the base of the calyx and corolla. The family contains about 530 species, most of which are climbing plants, such as the passion vine of the southern United States, which sometimes reaches a height of 9 m (30 ft). The bell apple, or water lemon, of the West Indies is a species of passionflower with an edible fruit. The giant granadilla is a closely related plant native to Jamaica and South America. The pulp, or aril, surrounding each seed of the giant granadilla plant is used...

Indigo Plant

Indigo Plant, common name for any of a genus of shrubs or perennial herbs (see Legume). The genus has about 700 species, most native to tropical regions. Indigo plants have compound leaves and bear purple, pink, or white flowers. Their fruit consists of pods. Various Asian species contain the glycoside indican, which can be oxidized to produce the dyestuff indigo. Of a long-lasting, deep-blue color, indigo was an important Indian, Egyptian, and Roman dye during antiquity. It was first introduced into Europe during the 16th century. Most indigo dye today is synthetically manufactured. Scientific classification: Indigo plants constitute the genus Indigofera, of the family Papilionoideae.